jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2008

About me

After completing my major in sculpture in Sevilla, I decided to travel to Germany. There,  I developed my first animated short film Chromosome 24. I believe, that was very important in my career: I came into animation through the independent animation scene and not through the industry. After that, I began to work on my second one, Social Factor, under the frame of the Burg Giebichenstein Art School. I kept on searching for the sense of animation. So, I moved to Berlin in 2005 where I work for Animas-Film, an independent animation studio developing a teaser. Thanks to God or Darwing, I got selected in Annecy’06. I met Primalinea Production producer there and I got hired for working as 2D animator in the featrure film Fear(s) of the dark. Once I was back in Seville in 2008, I kept on working as a freelance. I began working for San Nicolás del Puerto City Council in 2009,  in the culture department and taking part in independent animation projects.
Currently, I am trying to link animation with my other passion: languages. Teaching a language is a way of making communication come true and animation is communication itself.

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